
Be a Millionaire in your 20's, Be Like Zuckerberg

(1) Focus On Profiting From Boring Niche: We all had that childhood dream of becoming a Doctor, an Engineer, a lawyer and so on with the mindset that when you become one of this, you would definitely be swimming in millions. Fast pace to what the world has turned to today, you don't have to be a millionaire through these Traditional Occupations anymore, they literally take years and in all truth, you really don't need to spend years in school to be a millionaire.

(2) College And Graduate School Are Irrelevant: From Tuition fees To Books, Feeding Allowances and Transport, we can uniquely say that college and Graduate schools suck a lot of our finances, They cost money and they definitely put one in debt. If your Number one Goal is to be a millionaire, everything you need to know can be learned online without Huge tuition costs. Take advantage of the internet.

(3) Sacrifice Social Life To Study: Who doesn't like spending time hanging out with friends, partying all night, get wild and smoke loud in Benz ??? We all do, but if you definitely want to be rich, you need to spend time studying, Perfecting your talent, or Working on your Skills, Product, or developing your company. Find your hobbies and Monetize them.You might be a skilled writer, get a blog and start writing.

(4) Accept Defeat And Mistakes Along The Way:Mistakes are part of life experiences, They are there to Motivate you And Keep you going. So it is definite in life that in anything you would do, Chances are you are going to face a number of defeats and setbacks. Mistakes are Normal, How you Handle them is what sets you Apart.

(5) Aim Higher Than One Million: Money should not be your Endgame. Focus on Making the Best Product od Services Possible and your Goals Should Always be Growing.

(6) Do Not Scam People:The Key to making millions is Patience and Honesty, Trust me... Criminal And UnEthical Money will never last and won't give you the Profesional reputation you need to make Millions. Be honest with your dealings and see how Gods Plan turns out.

(7) No Need To Focus On NEXT-GEN Technology: Many Aspiring Millionaires think they need to focus on Next Generation. Even Merging something old and boring with a fresh Take is EBAY was created.

(8) Take Advantages Of  Hot Sectors: When certein Sectors are Hot, Just Like Social medium Platforms such as Snapchat and Periscope are right now, you need to get in there early so as to make money. Zack took that that initiative and look at him today, he is one of the major player in the media market owning Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram.

(9) It Doesnt Matter Where You Live: Your Business can be ran from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet connection. you dont have or need to be Physically live in a big market to make money.

(10) Your Business Dont Have To Profit For You To Succeed: Lastly, your business needs growth, users and some edge. Many business are acquired for their attributes other than Profit margins.

So Folks, There you have it. You dont have to waste time anymore, there are lots of oppurtunity out there, you just need to take it. God bless and thanks for reading, Please comment so we can be better.

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